School News
Note: For up-to-date school news please visit our school Facebook (Scoil Aonghusa CNS) and Twitter page (@MallowCNS)

Mallow Maths and Science Fair
What a fantastic day we had at Mallow Maths and Science Fair in the GAA complex. Well done to the pupils on the Stem committee and their teachers, Ms. O Hanlon, Ms. Murphy and Ms. Walsh, for working so hard to make the day a success.

News from Junior Infants
Can't you just feel the excitement in these photos?? Junior Infants loving school with their teachers.

Mallow Maths and Science Fair
Sixth Class used pipe cleaners to make models of DNA double helix structures. This is all part of their preparations for their ongoing project on Forensic Science for the Mallow Maths and Science Fair this Sunday 16th in Mallow GAA Complex. Admission is free. All...

Mallow GAA Blitz
Congratulations to all of the schools who took part in the GAA Blitz in Mallow GAA Complex today. A special well done to the pupils of Scoil Aonghusa CNS who did our school proud.

News from First Class
Friendship is very important to us here in Scoil Aonghusa CNS. We don't just talk about it, we learn about it constantly throughout the year. Healthy friendships play a key role in a child's emotional growth and their development of important life skills.

News from 3rd and 4th Class
What better way to learn about Data in Maths than with skittles! Ms. Nolan's class enjoyed lots of fun, hands-on active learning. They used skittles to represent data on bar charts. They very much enjoyed their treat too.
News from 4th and 5th Class
In Scoil Aonghusa CNS, we firmly believe that in order for a child to learn, they must be active in their learning. And so, instead of just learning about gravity and aerodynamics from a book, Ms. O Hanlon's class experimented with parachutes. Gravity and Aerodynamics...

News from Senior Infants
Our Senior Infants have settled back into school and are all working hard and, not surprisingly love getting back into Aistear (learning through play)! Our theme this month is 'The Library' and someone may have been inspired by our book Library Lion

Creative School’s Committee News
Our Creative School's Committee met with our Creative Advisor, Fiona Lawton, for their first brainstorming session of the year. Looking forward to seeing all the exciting, creative activities they have planned for the children in our school.
News from 4th and 5th Class
Check out the talent on display in this video!! Ms. O Hanlon's class made their own home made instruments. Wow! This guy is going places.